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Author:  lowvoltage [ Mon May 25, 2020 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Cummings

Well most of you would have seen the UK news regarding Dominic Cummings the senior adviser to the Prime Minister.

In March/April he went from London to Durham and local town Barnard Castle, he states that it was for the welfare of his young child, even though he and his wife had symptoms of the virus, then he returned to London whilst still being infected.

1.Was he right or wrong to travel
2.Was he right or wrong to even consider the welfare of his child whilst being infected
3.Would you have done the same if you had a young child.

Author:  Effsie [ Mon May 25, 2020 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

4. If it had been any ordinary member of the public (even those who were desperate to spend the final moments with a dying relative in hospital), would Boris have stood in front of the country and defended them, or would he have said there should be no exception to the rules?

Author:  emgeeb [ Mon May 25, 2020 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

This incident has destroyed all that the Government had achieved so far. How many times did we hear the PM say "stay home", now apparently, the Government meant stay home unless your child is suffering. However, no-one said this until Saturday.

1. wrong.
2 right
3. No


Author:  M.A.D [ Mon May 25, 2020 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings


Author:  KG [ Mon May 25, 2020 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

emgeeb wrote:
This incident has destroyed all that the Government had achieved so far.
What tosh! A man seeking to do right by his family in the face of danger, as I hope all of us would, has been turned into a concerted witch hunt to get rid of a formidable adviser to the Prime Minister. Much drivel has been promulgated by the MSM and assorted figures on the left of British politics, who have been salivating at the prospect of damaging the government they still haven't forgiven for taking Britain out of the EU.

It is also difficult to see what it is that the government has achieved in regard to the virus. It has been haphazard, bordering on incompetent, though that is easy to say with the benefit of hindsight. At least the government can be forgiven for not being so blessed.

The lockdown and fair weather have been used as an excuse for hundreds of unwanted migrants, from camps in France where the virus is rampant, to cross the Channel in rubber boats, even escorted to UK waters by French coastguards, with barely a whisper of condemnation from the same figures. Tens of thousands have arrived legitimately in the UK by sea, tunnel and air without any checks whatsoever.

If Cummings (who had not broken any laws, and whose accuser about a second trip is anonymous and almost certainly fictitious) is forced out, democracy in Britain will be further weakened and the Sir Humphreys of the civil service will have won. That is not something anyone should relish, whether their political inclinations are to the left or the right. He is making a statement later this afternoon, so he may then resign, or stick two fingers up to his detractors.

Author:  SFD [ Mon May 25, 2020 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

KG wrote:
emgeeb wrote:
This incident has destroyed all that the Government had achieved so far.
What tosh! A man seeking to do right by his family in the face of danger, as I hope all of us would, has been turned into a concerted witch hunt ...
He is making a statement later this afternoon, so he may then resign, or stick two fingers up to his detractors.


Author:  Effsie [ Mon May 25, 2020 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

KG wrote:
A man seeking to do right by his family in the face of danger, as I hope all of us would

Lots of people have sought to do right by their families, but they had to abide by the rules. Cummings seems to consider himself above that and is obviously confident that he is so important to Boris that he can safely stick two fingers up to the electorate and just carry on.

Cummings was/is subject to the same rules as the rest of the UK and was in a better position to fully understand them. He knowingly flouted those rules and should not just be allowed to get away with it. Anyone else would have been investigated/prosecuted/fined. Why is he different?

Author:  Tallulah Savage [ Mon May 25, 2020 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

I’m really not interested in a witch hunt. I have more important/ interesting things going on in my own life without resorting to playing politics with a public figure. Show me someone involved in politics now who is whiter than white, actually don’t bother. Having heard of the deaths of 4 people I know this week, it makes the petty sniping and point scoring that is a by product of the current virus crisis seem rather pathetic. Just my thoughts.....

Author:  clive of payia [ Mon May 25, 2020 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

The Cummings "Court of Star Chamber" by many of the anti democratic, pro EU, Vichy British Press is really about trying to extend and eventually stop Brexit.

Only weeks to go before its WTO and the EU propoganda money for the Leftie newspapers stops. Which commercial organisations would employ Leftie journalists; they cannot even be loyal or respect the democratic wishes of their own country.

Beware, if Cummings is forced out you could well be opening the door of number 10 for Nigel Farage.

Author:  Old Twister [ Tue May 26, 2020 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

Totally agree with KG and he has probably done for the safety of his family what many many others have done without them being the focus of public attention. He is hated by the Left and I admire him for that, and let's not forget, while at his home in London, he was the victim of left wing inspired abuse which he and his wife and son would have had to endure if he stayed on lockdown there. In his position I would have done the same thing, as I say many others probably did, and would have considered him foolish not to have done so.

Author:  lowvoltage [ Tue May 26, 2020 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

Watched the interview with him last night, lets just say he will have supporters and haters that is what people have become, today's society has no tolerance or empathy, if you look at the UK news there are thousands defying the lock down OH Well, next scandal please.

Author:  clive of payia [ Tue May 26, 2020 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

My guess at the next scandal will be the naming in the House of Commons those senior Simple Serpents, MP's and House of Lords members that broke the Civil Service Code on Confidentiality and probably the Official Secrets Act, to pass sensitive information to the EU. Could involve Theresa May herself.

Author:  emgeeb [ Tue May 26, 2020 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

When the PM left his briefing last night, his body language showed a beaten man.

You are not well PM, take an enforced break.


Author:  Uncle D [ Tue May 26, 2020 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

He takes breaks all the time Alan

Author:  Topgun [ Thu May 28, 2020 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

You are not well PM, take an enforced break.

Totally agree!

Difficult enough to 'soar like an eagle' when you are fit & well, but when you are surrounded by immature duffers too, well nigh impossible!

Do a Cameron & let someone else 'carry the can'.

We need Boris to get Brexit done!

Author:  emgeeb [ Fri May 29, 2020 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

Will be an interesting "Good morning Britain" on ITV on Monday and even more so at PMQs on Wednesday.


Author:  Uncle D [ Fri May 29, 2020 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cummings

Topgun wrote:
You are not well PM, take an enforced break.

Totally agree!

Difficult enough to 'soar like an eagle' when you are fit & well, but when you are surrounded by immature duffers too, well nigh impossible!

Do a Cameron & let someone else 'carry the can'.

We need Boris to get Brexit done!

And he need Cummings to function properly lol

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