Paphos People

Paphos our smart city
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Author:  Mouse [ Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Paphos our smart city

I dont often pass through the centre of town . Today i came past CYTA building and up to the old police station lights , i was going straight ahead, i was 4th in line so due to the clever design of the road junction we were blocking the road for those wishing to turn left and go down the hill ! The van behind me was very cross and wascusing various greek flowery adjectives, naturally i responded in kind , words to the effect ,dont blame me , a silly local cypriot redesigned this junction and i suggest you speak to him . The road is 2 lanes wide, narrows vor about 20m then opens to 2 lanes again at the lights.
15minute city , huh my xxxx , well today 15minutes got you less than a km . The redesign of the town centre and main road upto Lidl, you are constantly restricted to going where you want , the road is continually narrowing and widening causing chaos as only a few drivers follow the rules . Forget the centre ITS BROKEN ! I mainly use paphos mall, neon mall, home market and panthemiki.

Author:  Yakflyer [ Sun Dec 03, 2023 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paphos our smart city

Funny you should winge about our wonderful town of Paphos. Wife and I went to watch Swan Lake at that incredible new venue, the Markideio Theatre last night. How lucky Paphos is to have an event venue like that! Prior to the ballet we went for a meal at the Palia Elektriki restaurant, Having previously parked at the massive new car park, behind the old Police Station. How amazing is that car park, simply sms your parking space number to a four digit code and €1 gets added to your CYTA bill, in return for 2 hours parking! The night's parking cost us €2. It's rare that wife and I weave in and around the old town, so we were filled with wonder at how nice, modern and aesthetic the whole area is, for residents as well as tourists. We were full of admiration for our Paphos mayor, who has brought about uplifting changes to the whole of the Paphos region. Changes unquestionably for the better. We could not stop talking about how good everything was, and is. Paphos really has because a very modern town, but one that is attractive and appealing from an aesthetic point of view. We love it, and are proud of our home city of Paphos.

As to your traffic tribulations, I have used that route on a number of occasions and can't say that I have faulted the road layout. Like all towns and cities worldwide, the streets themselves were put in place in the days of horse and cart, and in most cases little can be done to widen the streets. And even if a municipality can widen a street in one part, they can't widen it in another, so you will always be faced with bottlenecks. Such is life, driving through streets in towns and cities which have been in place for hundreds of years. The situation is exacerbated when tourists add to the congestion, but there again, without tourists, Paphos would not be able to survive, it is the town's bread and butter.

Count your blessings instead of winging about a road layout which caused you, for whatever reason, a couple of minutes angst.

Author:  Mouse [ Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paphos our smart city

Hey Yakflier, good to see you are still about ! We have not engaged in lively banter in ages ! True i enjoy a good winge , especially with anything new , but you didnt have to listen to the white van driver throwing his toys out the pram .
Reminds me decades ago on the north circular rd in London, they took pleasure in changing a busy road from 2 lane to 3 lane to 2 lane and then 1 lane going up the hill from the gyratory system , caused chaos with all the impatient drivers . Its just driving down from shipshape roundabout towards kennedy square there just seem to be so many changing lane to left and right and back again with no right turn or no left turn ! I just see a mess !and the locals completely ignoring lights and road markings and doing what they want when they want and not giving a damn.
15 minute city ha ha ha , maybe in the evening it was quieter but during the day you wont get far in 15 minutes , and certainly not where you want to go . As previously said i do my best to aviod the town centre chaos.

Author:  Yakflyer [ Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paphos our smart city

Yes Mouse, still about, and busier than ever ;)

Paphos is a quiet, sleepy backwater compared to Limassol in the rushour/s. You just have to take traffic congestion in your stride, every town/city has it, a fact of modern life.

Author:  Mouse [ Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paphos our smart city

Indeed yakflier , i guess after living in Paphos for over 20 years i have lost touch ! In 2000 i was minicabing from harrow to London's west end friday and saturday nights , god it was crazy. I am now looking to move from Chloraka and relocate to the outskirts of a small village , guess i want to slow down still more . I am sick of driving in town , constantly being tailgated by impatient little tinkers in their bloated over sized suvs because i am crawling along at 65 in a 50 limit . The vehicles on sale and being purchased are totally unsuited to the road infrastructure in paphos and also the smart / 15 minute city concept . I cant change it , so i wish to leave you all to your electronic wonderland and i shall retire back to nature , well as far as practical

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