Paphos People

On our way at last.
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Author:  norman347 [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  On our way at last.

Well after having our house on the market since march last year we have at last managed a sale. As the buyers want to be in as soon as possible we are hoping to be on our way over next month.
So now all the worrying starts after preparing for over 2 years.
We have nowhere to live but I am sure we will find somewhere temporary until we find a suitable property to rent. There seems to be plenty available. We took a big hit on our original price for our house so we will have to set our sights a little lower on what we rent now.
We have learned so much from this site and other sites so we are well prepared for what lies ahead.
My wife has just been moaning about all the rain coming down but I told her to enjoy it as she may not see so much of it in the future.
Anyway that's all for now. Will let you know when we book our one way flight.
Cheers Jean & Norman. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Jean [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: On our way at last.

Nice one Norman - I know one or two members have booked a cheapo holiday and just not gone back! It gives you a couple of weeks to find a rental, and there are plenty on the market at the moment. I move next Friday (17th), and looked at about 6 properties before deciding on the one I have. Just have a good look around, if there's an empty property there's nothing to stop you moving in in a matter of days.

Look forward to seeing you here on the sunny side (spoke to my brother in Lancashire today and it was hammering down there!)

Author:  discopants [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: On our way at last.

Good Luck Norman and keep us posted and don't forget even the most mundane things are welcome, it may help someone(ie me) in the future !

Author:  Captain Fantastic [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: On our way at last.

Good luck with the move Norman - remember to keep us updated!

Guessing from the avatar you're a Blackburn fan - probably a good time to be leaving, Big Sam and his anti-football will crush the life out of your enjoyment of the game in no time!

Author:  Molly [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: On our way at last.

Well done Jean and Norman, wishing you all the best for the future and lots of happiness in Cyprus.

Dont worry about finding property to rent over here, there are many to choose from.

Author:  norman347 [ Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: On our way at last.

Well the sold sign has at last gone up which makes Jean feel better.Our solicitor completed her work two weeks ago but still waiting for a final date for completion
I have been getting quotes for the dogs flight. My mate said it would be better to shoot her. Having seen the quotations a think it would be cheaper to buy a gun.
Today I have had a full service, brake disc and pads replaced and other bits done on the car, to make sure that should be ok for some time when we get it over. I am going to get new tyres fitted tomorrow.
I have made plenty of trips to the tip and filled several charity bags with clothes and other bit and pieces. I have even got Jean to get rid of a few clothes.
We are gradually getting nearer to being ready but I am getting inpatient. I want to feel some sun before the rust sets in.
Hoping to be booking our one way ticket soon.
Cheers Jean & Norman.
PS I am going to miss Big Sam propelling us up the Premier instead of down to the Championship.

Author:  norman347 [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: On our way at last.

Well heres the latest.I have'nt updated recently as it was all bad news about three weeks ago. I was that depressed I even stopped looking in on the Cyprus forums.
It seemed the deal was dying due to our buyers buyer messing them about (long story) anyway the happy outcome is we finally exchanged contracts yesterday.
I have booked the car to move over on Wednesday and have booked the one way flight for the following Wednesday. 23rd. We are only 15 months late. At last we can escape all this rain. It was ironic that I have seen on the forums that there has been some rain in Paphos.
Anyway hopefully we will at last be able to meet some of you at one of the organised nights.
See you soon Norman & Jean.

Author:  CypruswithBabies [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: On our way at last.

Hi Norman & Jean

Glad to hear it's finally come together for you, at long last! It seems ages since we met you both at the castle in Limassol...

Keep us posted and maybe we will catch up again sometime soon.

Author:  norman347 [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: On our way at last.

Hi Shell.
It does seem a very long time since we met you. We missed out on our holiday last year as we were expecting to be moving over long before now.
Yes we will keep in touch, and have a few more drinks with you soon.Hope you are both keeping well.
Cheers Jean & Norman.

Author:  tanny [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: On our way at last.

Helo Norm, good luck, not long before you can come to a PP night as a resident.

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